Testing the Elements

This is a sample caption

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.

If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest assured, the words will expand the concept. With clarity. Conviction. And a little wit.

In today’s competitive market environment, the body copy of your entry must lead the reader through a series of disarmingly simple thoughts.


Fullscreen Image

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Full-width image

All your supporting arguments must be communicated with simplicity and charm. And in such a way that the reader will read on. (After all, that’s a reader’s job: to read, isn’t it?) And by the time your readers have reached this point in the finished copy, you will have convinced them that you not only respect their intelligence, but you also understand their needs as consumers.

Unordered List

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  • Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

Ordered List

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  2. Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  3. Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est malesuada tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est.

Heading 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eros libero, condimentum ut, facilisis non, pellentesque ut, enim. Duis tortor. Proin a quam. Phasellus pellentesque volutpat felis. Nulla facilisi. Cras sed sem at neque dapibus ultricies. Aliquam placerat pellentesque metus. Morbi ac dui non nibh pretium lacinia. Curabitur vitae elit quis tellus tincidunt aliquet. Aliquam id ligula vel eros lobortis interdum. Aliquam in mauris. Etiam et turpis. Donec faucibus vulputate arcu.

Heading 2

Praesent dolor ipsum, mollis et, porta vel, auctor ultricies, mi. Vivamus ligula leo, ullamcorper eget, pellentesque sed, adipiscing eget, ipsum. Duis imperdiet adipiscing justo. Duis molestie quam vehicula dui. Donec nec ligula. Nullam turpis mauris, mollis ut, semper non, imperdiet vitae, nunc. Suspendisse diam diam, rhoncus in, imperdiet eget, iaculis nec, nibh. Proin commodo risus quis velit. Nam sodales massa ut ipsum. Curabitur ipsum.

Heading 3

Integer pretium enim a lectus. Sed mi. In neque. Suspendisse suscipit ipsum in ligula. Integer aliquam rutrum ante. Pellentesque ligula. Duis mauris. Nunc volutpat mi non lorem. Cras eros. Vestibulum vel nisi. Aenean nec nibh sed orci imperdiet tempor.

Heading 4

Aenean nec sapien sed arcu gravida scelerisque. Fusce vehicula risus vel urna. Cras venenatis leo id dui bibendum pretium. Cras sem sem, pretium vel, cursus id, facilisis eget, enim. Ut tempor. Donec augue lorem, sollicitudin sed, mattis quis, egestas at, risus. Praesent tempus orci in massa. Integer tempor ornare velit. Proin euismod. Nunc in augue.

Heading 5

Duis iaculis elit non lacus. Ut sollicitudin erat. Suspendisse potenti. Duis iaculis pharetra lacus. Fusce ac magna. Duis et ante et libero rutrum sagittis. Vivamus consectetur. Integer in eros. Donec at purus. Praesent diam mi, sollicitudin a, molestie non, imperdiet a, enim. Pellentesque et ante sit amet lectus eleifend aliquet. Cras convallis erat non arcu. Duis consectetur tempor mi. Suspendisse non dolor at augue consectetur dictum. Aliquam arcu mauris, commodo sed, ultricies elementum, lacinia a, nisl.

Heading 6

Mauris ultricies, odio a ultricies blandit, lorem mauris tincidunt tortor, et aliquet enim neque quis turpis. Nunc neque diam, porta ac, accumsan ut, tristique in, nibh. Ut ac justo sit amet dolor ornare cursus.

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Utility scale design and engineering

Distributed Energy is not just solar roof-top, it is also about utility scale solar energy generated where is going to be consumed.

  1. Challenge: A State electrical regulator launched a bidding process to build solar power plants of 5 MW to be connected to the mid voltage system in several locations where the energy would be directly consumed. Every location had a sub – station with enough capacity to connect the solar power plants. In this scenario, a private investor chose us to develop 4 projects for different locations.

  2. Solution: We designed and made the engineering for four (04) projects, including but not limited to Descriptive Memory, transformers sub-stations, cabling, land agreements, soil studies, environmental permits, legal entities, inverters and connection strings, tilt fixed structures design and calculations, financial planning, project planning, import planning, vendors agreements, among others.

UPS/Backup system

solar technology allows to meet very specific requirements.

  1. Challenge: The customer not just need an energy backup for its gas station but, also required a kind of UPS function to not miss the in-process data of vehicles being charged when an outage happened. Outages became more frequent every time.

  2. Solution: We analyzed lot of storage options available at the market and designed a solution through combining parameters in a storage system to reduce its reaction time to around 100 ms, which provides the required energy to each charging station faster enough energized to not miss the data and continue providing the gas charging without issues for customers.

Commercial On-grid

businesses can get big benefits from solar.

  1. Challenge: Electricity bill of the customer included huge tariff rates for mainly three concepts, contracted power, demanded power and demanded energy, with a business model that operates with full loads during light hours and that is significantly reduced during dark hours, those payments had a significant impact on its business costs.

  2. Solution: We designed and installed a solar system that provided the demanded power and enough energy as to cover +85% of the demanded energy. As a result, the business owner was able to re – negotiate the contracted power, getting important costs reductions from the three of the bill concepts. As a point to highlight for this business owner, he became the witness case installation of the first bi – directional meter at town and in which payment for the energy injected into the network was recognized under a net billing scheme.

Off – grid system for big loads

solar systems that can feed full or most of customers demands.

  1. Challenge: The customer built her family dream’s house in a polo horse breeding to enjoy the landscape, weather, and peace. With more than 5 cool/heat Air Conditioners, swimming pool and lot of electrical appliances but however, the house had no opportunity to get connected to the grid because it is so far from any grid connection.

  2. Solution: Considering the family had two babies, we deeply analyzed the loads and their potential concurrent scenarios to provide the right surge, power and energy required to keep safe and comfortable the family 24×7. As a result, we designed a 15 kW off – grid system with enough kWh of storage to ensure the home has the demanded electricity during nights, rainy or cloudy days.

On grid + backup solution

showing that solar technologies are scalable.

  1. Challenge: The customer was looking for a solution that allow him to use as much solar energy as possible, feed to the grid with the exceed and get paid for that energy. A while after installed an on-grid system, the customer also wanted to get available enough energy as to run during an average outage of 8 hours, those outages had become more frequent during the summer.

  2. Solution: We first installed a 10 kWp on – grid solution that feed enough energy to the home and send the exceed to the grid. To the new requirement and to not replace the already installed inverter, protecting customer investment, we design a retrofit system with the corresponding 10 kW 3 phases inverter + 12.5 kWh storage that perfectly complemented the on – grid system. Ensuring the customer, the demanded power plus energy during outages periods.

IoT focused solution

customer didn’t want to be anymore just a subject of invoicing.

  1. Challenge: The customer got surprised with every new invoice because he unknown the cause behind ups and downs in them, he wanted to know what his consumptions by appliance and their impact were to then apply an energy efficiency approach at home.
  2. Solution: We designed and installed a 5 kWp hybrid solar system able to align a high % of customer’s demand by season and an IoT solution that allowed him to monitor the whole consumptions split by appliance and electric outlet, on/off them, monitor generation and grid consumption, among other functions. The system includes storage and it is able to send the exceeded energy to the grid under a net billing scheme.